So this little table/desk is pretty old. The veneer top had seen better days, which is probably obviously by the honking big wood filler patches clearly visible.
Well, I really like this table for some reason (and it’s not the big wad of gum I found underneath), so in the midst of moving/half demolishing and painting a kitchen, I found the time to work on him. Why? I REALLY needed some prep space in my kitchen, so he is serving proudly as my kitchen island at the moment. Sadly, he is a normal height table, which is actually to my detriment. Need him to be taller. I am thinking of how we could extend the legs without completely looking goofy, but haven’t figured that out yet.
There is some lovely chippiness on the drawer front and the sides, purely by chance. Well, not really by chance, but by the fact the I gunked up my sand paper on the orbital sander and that caused the nice chippys. It’s all about technique, folks.
I don’t know why, but I love that big acrylic knob! Looks cooler in person-you know what glare can do. I used Aubusson Blue mixed with French Gray as the base with French Gray layered on top. I don’t remember exactly how I did the top. There is a two week blur…
Anyway, I finished him up with wax and he is taking a beating. It’s really the only prep area I use right now. Two months and the waxed top is holding up even with wiping and disinfecting. I do use Melaleuca’s furniture polish occasionally, which is some good stuff.
I would show the whole kitchen, but I want to at least get the trim painted, which has been on hold til Hubby got the replacement window in (which is done), but now I’m in grad school, so trim painting hasn’t been a priority, even though the paint waits patiently about 4 feet away. Actually the WHOLE HOUSE needs trim painting done. It’s all wood with varnish, poly or something. It’s driving me nuts. I may whip out the brush and tackle something this weekend. Oh, and when I get the trim painted, then I can hang my curtains. My lovely vintage muslin sheets that await my attention…I really hope Cutest Cat in the World (CCITW) doesn’t decide to practice her rock-climbing on them.
It’s pretty much spring here in Savannah. Yeah-pollen hit a week ago. I have a lone jonquil in bloom. It’s lonely.
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