Life has been rather hectic recently. I started grad school full-time, so along with the numerous home projects and personal furniture projects, business furniture has been pushed down the list. This project is a custom request that I just dedicated an afternoon to. It made me cringe to paint this piece-it has beautiful quarter-sawn oak veneer and really in good shape.
I just jump in and forget to take before pics, so pardon the multiple pics...and the background. We took this off the truck, I worked on it and it went right back onto the truck.
The customer wanted me to replicate another piece that I did that is currently in the store. I like for my work to have texture and layers, so that it feels like it has been this way for years even when freshly painted.
Missed the before of the hardware. It is interesting hardware. The pull plates are very light, so I think they are aluminum, but old. They were painted a gold, not brass, but gold. I gave them a quick layer of primer and a couple of layers of brushed nickel and I think they look perfect with the paint.
Savannah has had low humidity (miracle) for the past 3 days or so, so the dry time on this was ridiculous, but welcomed. Annie Sloan chalk paint dries so quickly anyway, but amazingly so yesterday! Even the spray paint on the hardware was dry in 10 minutes.
So, I'll be linking to some parties this week and I'll update on that as it goes.
My husband has replaced the majority of the windows in the house with the low-e, argon gas filled kind. While they are wonderfully more energy efficient, they have also altered how sunlight filters in. Now our in-good-shape-and-tolerable-color paint in the living room has turned into a depressing cream with yellow tinge color that I won't be able to handle very long, so the living room painting project is now pushing to the top 5 on The List. Of course, with that comes the picking of the color. Wish me luck...
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Hello! New Year, time to get blogging. New house, new workshop, new school. Lots of new for me!
I'll do a post with info about the house and the m.a.n.y projects that are on the to-do list. The crazy thing is our limitations about placement in the kitchen have everything to do with the lack of electrical outlets! It's not like electricity didn't exist in 1957, but obviously it wasn't used like today!
The cool thing about the limitations is I am being creative and resourceful...and I finally got to do a piece of furniture for myself us!
Besides the fact that our friends told us we needed a bar, I also need a place for the microwave that we stalked Craigslist for. When you see my kitchen, you'll understand why, but I will say two words: outlet and counterspace.
Found this on Craigslist and it happened to be with someone I had already purchased an item from last spring. Snagged it and got to do it last weekend. Didn't know until I started taking the hardware off that it is an Ethan Allen piece from 1983. I wasn't thrilled with the hardware, so I filled the holes on the drawers so I could use single cup pulls. I also got a little crazy and layered 2 Annie Sloan Chalk Paint colors that I have not seen together before: Old Ochre as base coat and French Linen as the top coat, in a semi-dry brush fashion. So here is the finished project:
Totally in love with French Linen-it is not nearly as blue as Paris Grey and not as green as Country Grey.
So, the bar is stocked and the microwave will be going on top for the time being. Until I determine how to do it differently.
I lied. This is actually the second piece that I got to do for me us. I just haven't taken any after pictures of it because I have to move it to a different spot to do so.
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