Friday, May 4, 2012

Revived Chest

I found this cedar lined chest at a yard sale back in, like, October.  It sat around in the apartment, was drug through the move, then had the pleasure of sitting in the workshop for about 3 months before I felt sorry enough for it to work on it.  I failed to get a picture of the top before starting to strip off the ugly.  Besides desecrating it with blue acrylic paint, someone added old fashioned “Americana” graphics on top.  I hope I don’t sound unpatriotic, but this was one instance of Americana that should not have occurred. 
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After sanding, I realized that the blue was not coming off without more chemical stripping, which I prefer not to do.  So I made sure it was smooth and started painting.  Jump ahead, the painting, distressing and waxing completed.  Realize that it just doesn’t look right.  See the bottom trim in the left picture (lid is to the right in the pic)?  That should not sit directly on the floor, right?  So to the internet I went, armed with a pic of the manufacturer stamp on the inside lid. 
Well, found out that this chest originally came with 6 inch Queen Anne shape legs.  To the tune of one exactly like mine (well, with the original legs and minus the fabulous Americana paint job) in good shape was going for around $600 online.  I can’t believe someone did what they did to this chest.
So, the butt on the ground problem.  Do I replace the 6” legs?  Decided no.  Two words. Bun feet.  Hubby added bun feet and she was done!!
There she is!  Made the most of the icky blue paint and the roughness to create great texture and color layering.  The interior is in GREAT shape. She’s available at Two Women and a Warehouse on Bull Street, Savannah. 
For your amusement, here’s Mavi Kedi (aka CCITW) enjoying an open window…the wrong way.

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French Country Cottage

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Playing Catch-up!

Wow, it has been a while since a post.  Yeah.  I’ve had stuff, just like everyone has.  I’m not special and I won’t bore you with it.  I really need to share some furniture with you instead!
My friend (and picker) discovered three tables in one remote location in North Georgia back in the fall.  I didn’t even have room for these tables til we moved to the house in December.  Finally painted one of them for MY dining room.  That was first.  Of course, I had to pick the heaviest biggest of the three, but it is so similar to one in Resuscitation Restoration Hardware I couldn’t resist.
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The center had a few chips in the veneer, but I can work with that.
Number one, I don’t tweak pictures…yet.  Heck, I’m lucky to take the darn things, so I’m not into computer manipulation right now.  Number two, please excuse the unpainted trim, unadorned window and the neat junk (that I took OFF the table to take the pic) in the sunroom.  I do have another cafĂ© chair, but I was too lazy to retrieve it for the pic.  I had planned to have another chair to match the larger chair, but I sold the other one.  So that is my current dining table.  May keep it, may place it for sale in my booth at Two Women and a Warehouse on Bull Street.  We’ll see.
Here is another piece just finished up this weekend.  Hubby and I worked SO hard for like three days straight.  He had to go to work to get a break. Smile Seriously, this wardrobe/dresser/armoire thing was soooo clean and in great shape with a rough finish.  I loooove rough finishes because they simply facilitate the look I want, so I dance when I find superficial water damage. 
And here is the after!

Just wanted to do a quick update and have quite a bit more to share...I'm getting so much better at remembering to take pictures!
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